This is how you will receive your sticker, the top layer is application tape, the layer below this is the vinyl and the bottom layer is the backing paper.
Stick a strip of masking tape to the top edge, this is used as a hinge when applying your sticker.
If your window is dirty you must clean and dry the glass prior to application.
Glass cleaner or soapy water is suffucient.
Ensure suface is clean and dry.
Position your sticker with the masing tape you applied earlier, when you are happy with the position, proceed to the next step.
Flip the sticker up using the maskign tape as a hinge.
Carefully peel away the backing paper leaving the sticker attached to the application tape.
Take care when doing this so no parts are torn or left behind.
The backing paper can now be disposed of.
Flip the sticker back down and hold away from the surface.
You can now start to squeegee the sticker from the top down using a credit card or squeegee.
Press firmly working from the top down.
Moving from left to right pushing any air to the bottom edges.
When fully applied, rub over the whole surface to ensure the sticker if fully applied.
Remove the masking tape strip.
Lift the application tape from one corner and peel back holding the application tape tape flat against the sticker.
Peel away carfully ensuring all parts are attached to the glass. If the glass is cold, it sometimes helps to apply some heat with a hair dryer or heat gun to the area to help the sticker bond fully.
Continue to pull the application tap away held flat against the sticker.
All done!! Why not share you photo on Instagram and tag us.
Please note: This application method is the same for interior and exterior application. There is a common issue with glass application where the heat from your hands causes a layer of condensation to form between the glass and the sticker, making it not stick. This has nothing to do with the sticker not being sticky enough, it’s just that the sticker will not stick to wet glass. If you put your hand against the glass for a few seconds and remove it, you will see the condensation that it causes. To overcome this we suggest heating the area until the glass is warm to the touch so the chance for condensation to form is eliminated.